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Disclaimer:  Not mine.  Somebody else’s.  There, I said it.


Warnings:  Look in the first part.  They’re all there.


Warning:  Lemon ahead



Between Trowa, Duo, and Zechs, Heero was successfully able to evade Relena for several hours after the ball began.  Apparently, she knew he was there and resorted to a different strategy in order to corner the blue-eyed man.  “Bloody hell,” Duo muttered abruptly.


The other three men looked at him curiously, with Zechs finally asking, “What?”


“Hilde’s seen me and she’s coming this way with Relena hot on her heels.  We have about two minutes to hide before they get through the crowd.”


Zechs was already moving, grabbing Heero’s hand, “We’ll take the back balcony.  If Relena finds Heero, we’ll never get to leave.”


“That leaves us with the next balcony,” Duo led the way through the crowd, easily slipping through breaks in people.  Seeing Trowa falling behind, Duo grasped his hand with a smile, “Let’s hope there isn’t anyone out there.  Can you see them?”


Glancing over his shoulder, Trowa spotted Hilde relentlessly coming in their direction.  Quickly ducking his head down, he hissed, “They’re about ten feet behind us.  Go faster or they’re going to catch us.”


Going out the open glass doors, Duo’s head swiveled from side to side, looking for a place to hide.  Looking back, Trowa could see they only had a few seconds before the women would discover them.  In a moment of inspiration, he pulled Duo behind the door and hid the smaller man’s body with his own.  “It’s no good.  They’ll still see you.”


“Find a way to keep them from paying attention, then.”


Hearing and recognizing Hilde’s voice coming closer, Trowa came up with the perfect camouflage, “Don’t kill me for this,” he muttered before leaning down and putting his mouth over Duo’s.


He could hear the agitated voices as the women came onto the balcony and focused on that to keep from turning the simple act of touching lips into a real kiss.  “I know I saw Duo coming this way.  Where did he go?” Hilde wailed plaintively.  “He couldn’t have gone far and I saw him talking to Heero earlier.”


“What does his date look like?” an unknown voice asked that Trowa assumed belonged to Relena.


“Duo never brings a date, Relena.  You know that.  Neither does that loser of a brother of yours.”


“Hilde, please don’t speak of Milliardo that way.  He is not a loser.  As for dates, they both assured mother they were bringing someone.”


A sound of dismissal came from one of them, most likely Hilde.  “That’s fine.  When I find out who she is, I’ll make sure she knows Duo is mine.”


“Yes, well, first we need to locate him in the crowd of…oh my.  I’m very sorry.  We didn’t mean to intrude,” Relena announced suddenly, finally spotting the couple in the darkened corner.  “We’ll leave you alone.”


“That’s so gross,” Hilde commented loudly.  “Out here where anyone can see you.  Get a room.”


After a few seconds of silence on the balcony, Trowa lifted his head to glance around, pleased to see they were alone, the women retreating back indoors.  “They’re gone,” he said softly.  “I guess it worked,” he added with a smile as he turned to regard Duo.  His smile disappeared when he found wide blue eyes staring at him.  “I’m sorry,” he quickly let his hands drop from where they had been holding Duo’s waist.  “That was a stupid thing to do, but it’s all I could think of in a hurry.”




“Yes?” he waited for the inevitable anger.


What actually came was the sensation of Duo’s hands on his neck, pulling him back down, “Kiss me for real this time.”


Not foolish enough to start a debate, Trowa did as told, sliding his mouth over the other man’s, letting Duo control the kiss.  He was lost as Duo’s tongue sparred with his, hands pulling the smaller man firmly against him and moaning as what could only be an erection pressed against his thigh.  He distantly noted Duo was a hell of a kisser as his mouth was expertly plundered.


On the verge of pulling Duo to the balcony floor, Trowa ended the kiss, breathing hard.  Knowing the other man had wanted to be kissed didn’t stop his surprise upon seeing Duo’s breathing was erratic, eyes so dark they were almost black.  It only took one harshly whispered word to have him going back for a second taste, “Again.”


This time it was Duo that pulled away first, cursing as he dug in his pocket, his free hand never leaving the back of Trowa’s neck, strong fingers rubbing the muscles there.  “Yeah?” he answered the phone, his eyes still on Trowa’s.  After a few seconds of listening, Duo smiled slowly in a way that had Trowa’s blood roaring.  “I think that’s a great idea. Meet you out front in five minutes.”  Closing the phone, he slid it into his pocket, “You ready to leave?”


“How are we going to get through there without being seen?” Trowa tilted his head toward the open door, where at least three hundred people dined, drank and danced.


“We aren’t going through.  We’re going around,” Duo pointed at the edge of the balcony.  “It’s only a six foot drop and then we make our way around the side of the house.


“Sounds like you’ve done this before,” Trowa noted, remembering how he had felt Duo had a more spontaneous side.


“Once or twice.  Sometimes it’s the only way to get out of one of these things, especially if two crazy women are chasing after you.  Three, if you count Zechs’ mom.”


By chance, Trowa saw a figure rapidly moving through people, coming their way.  Identifying the person, he hissed, “Shit, it’s Hilde and she’s moving fast.”


“We gotta go, Tro,” Duo jumped, landing lightly on his feet.  Trowa stumbled as he landed, but remained standing as Duo grabbed his hand.  “Run,” the small man ordered, pulling Trowa around the side of the house.


In the circular driveway they spotted Zechs next to a limo, the door held open wide.  Trowa could hear Duo’s laughter as they neared the vehicle, his own amusement threatening to bubble out as the smaller man shouted, waving his free arm frantically, “Get in the damn car!  Hilde saw us leaving.”


The blonde dove in the car seconds before Trowa and Duo practically fell inside, landing in a pile of limbs.  Heero reached out and pulled the door shut, stating calmly, “Zechs, there are a number of people heading this way.  I suggest we leave.”


“Son of a… Parker, get us out of here,” Zechs instructed the driver with a shout.


“Sir, do you realize your parents and sister are coming to see you?” the driver asked in a polite tone, brown eyes sparkling as he looked over the back of the driver’s seat.


“Would you want to face them after ditching another event?  Go, fast,” Zechs was grinning, obviously entertained by the situation.


Trowa and Duo had barely managed to untangle themselves when the car roared to life and shot forward, knocking them both down onto the carpeted floor, Duo falling on top of Trowa.  “Under the circumstances, I think it’s best if we both stay down for a minute,” the braided man laughed, his head hovering above Trowa’s.


Somehow, Towa’s hands found their way to the other man’s waist and stayed there, “I completely agree.”


Minutes passed before the ride smoothed out.  With a shake of his head, Duo finally got on one of the seats, puling Trowa up with him.  “What happened?” asked Zechs as he poured them each a glass of champagne.  “When I spoke to you, you sounded fine.  A little out of breath, but fine.”


“Hilde and Relena came out onto the damn balcony,” Duo groused, then turned a bright red.  “We managed to divert their attention.”


“Sounds like a good diversion,” Heero smirked, lifting his glass in a toast.


“It was a great diversion,” Duo corrected softly.  Shaking his head, he rolled his eyes, “Hilde saw us when we went over the balcony, so we ran like hell.  I didn’t think she’d be able to find your entire family that fast, Zechs.”


“You won’t be in trouble, will you?” Trowa was very aware of the thigh pressed against his, but unsure if Duo would mind the contact.  Just because they had kissed didn’t mean anything had changed.  Duo could have merely been curious.


Zechs sighed heavily, “My father snuck out of his fair share of balls when he was younger, so he’ll understand.  Mother will be fine in a few days.  Relena…depending on whether she learns who my date was she’ll either scold me or avoid me for a while.”


“Why did Relena call you Milliardo?”


Zechs turned bright red as Duo collapsed against Trowa in laughter.  “It’s his real name,” Duo finally explained between bouts of giggles.  “When I first met him, everyone referred to him as Sex.  You know, ‘look, there goes sex on legs’.  I heard it and thought they were saying Zechs, so that’s what I called him.  The prick didn’t tell me otherwise for two months, but it stuck.  Now, almost everyone other than his family calls him Zechs.”


“It’s a lot better than being referred to as a walking sex toy, believe me,” Zechs smirked, reaching across the seat to pull Heero to him.  “If you’ll excuse us, I was in the middle of something when we decided to call you.”


Trowa was amazed when the other two men slid farther toward the driver and flabbergasted when a shaded partition came up to separate them.  “What about the driver?”


“There’s another window between him and the passenger area Zechs will put up.  Parker won’t be surprised to see it.”


Marveling at the car was forgotten when Duo slid onto Trowa’s lap, arms winding around his neck.  “We were in the middle of something when they called, too.  Or do you want to pretend it didn’t happen?”


“Pretending is the last thing I want to do, but we’ll be home in a few minutes.”  In spite of his words, Trowa already had his hands on the smaller man’s back, pulling him close.


“We have at least a half-hour before we get home.  Parker will drive around for a while.”  Duo wriggled his eyebrows, “He’s Zechs’ personal driver, Tro.  He knows to take his time.  You have any idea how to waste a half-hour?”


“It’s not enough time,” Trowa warned.  “It’s enough to get a good start, though.  Come home with me and we’ll find a way to waste the whole night,” he breathed, forgetting his vow to take things at a slow pace.


As Duo’s eyes widened in surprise, Trowa was able to watch the color shift from cobalt to a deep purple, almost black again.  Cataloging this color as lust, he joined their mouths for a long moment, breaking the kiss to ask, “Will you come home with me, Duo?”


“There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”


Putting off the desire to ask about the next night, or every night after that, Trowa let himself enjoy the way Duo felt against him.  It only felt like a few minutes had passed when there was a sharp rap on the glass partition.  “We’re at your house,” Duo whispered, getting off Trowa’s lap to exit the car.


Without hesitation, Trowa climbed out and picked Duo up, carrying the small man to the front door and opening it with one hand, ignoring the shouts of encouragement coming from Zechs.  Only after the door was closed and locked behind him did he risk setting the other man down, who gave him a baffled look.  “I didn’t want you changing your mind.”


Trowa was startled when Duo plastered their bodies together, long legs and arms wrapping around him and nearly knocking him off his feet.  “I’m not going anywhere, Tro.  This is where I want to be.”


Seeing the honesty in the dark eyes, Trowa carried Duo upstairs, tumbling onto the bed.  He gasped as nimble fingers were on him instantly, expertly discarding his clothing and tossing them onto the floor.  “Duo, I need to hang those up,” he breathed, stunned he was still able to think about something as pointless as a tuxedo. 


“I’ll pay your dry-cleaning bill,” Duo whispered, mouth on his bare chest. 


“I’ll pay my own bills, thank you…oh, god,” he whimpered as a tongue swirled around his nipple, driving him insane.  “I hate to bring this up, but are you sure this is what you want?”


“Can’t you tell?” Duo asked, lips skimming across his chest to find his other nipple. 


“You haven’t acted like you were interested, Duo.  Not for the last week.”


“I’ve been interested since you moved in.  I watched you as you carried boxes into the house from my upstairs window, Trowa.  It’s been a long time since I’ve been attracted to anyone and it caught me by surprise.  Honestly, I was terrified.”


Rolling them so he was on top of the other man, both to rid Duo of his clothes and to keep what little control he had left, Trowa gazed down at the heart-shaped face.  “Terrified?  Of me?”


Looking back up at him seriously, Duo winced, “You’ve probably figured out my last relationship didn’t end very well.  To be honest, it didn’t go well the entire time.  He was…not very nice to me.”


“He had a thing about dirt?”


“Yeah, kind of.  He was obsessive about keeping everything clean and I had a habit of bringing in dirt or grease or something all the time.  The oil and grease was a huge problem because it caused stains.  I guess he was torn because he despised my dirt, but loved my money.”


Trowa’s hands clenched the smooth skin under Duo’s black shirt before unbuttoning it slowly, leaning on one arm.  “Did he hurt you?”


“When I came home from work I had to stand in the back yard while he sprayed me with a water hose.  If that wasn’t enough, he would scrub me with a scouring pad.  I could have taken another job, but I wouldn’t have been happy at all.  I finally realized if I wanted to be really happy, I had to leave.  He told me if I left and he found me, he’d kill me.”  Duo let Trowa pull the shirt and jacket off, leaning on his elbows.  “I wasn’t afraid of him, so I don’t know why I waited so long to leave.”


“Afraid of being alone, maybe.”  Running his fingers lightly across Duo’s stomach, Trowa was fascinated by the ripple of muscle.  “You don’t have to tell me this, Duo.”


“I wanted to explain why I wasn’t sure about this, about you.”  Duo hissed when Trowa’s mouth replaced his fingers, hands nimbly pulling off the rest of Duo’s clothes.  “I wasn’t sure what you wanted, either.  You’ve been careful not to touch me.”


“I was scared I was going to toss you to the floor and take what I wanted without you wanting the same,” Trowa admitted, moaning as he was rolled again.  “It’s a good thing I have a large bed,” he snorted in amusement.


“Wait until you see mine,” Duo grinned down at him.  “I wanted you to touch me, Trowa.  I’ve wanted you to touch me all week.  I didn’t think I was hiding it very well.  I don’t know why you would want someone like me, though.  I’m a mechanic.”


“You’re different than anyone else I’ve ever met.  Few people have the patience to deal with someone like Zechs for long.”  Trowa’s smile disappeared in a flash as Duo’s mouth came down on his, with none of the patience the braided man had shown for Zechs’ antics. 


It didn’t take long to discover that Duo was as talented with his mouth and tongue as he was with his hands when working on cars.  Alternately gasping in pleasure and hissing as he was brought to the edge of orgasm time and time again, Trowa cursed repeatedly as the other man would suddenly leave him breathless and clinging to sanity by his fingernails.


Finally past his breaking point, Trowa rolled them again, pinning Duo’s arms above the other man’s head and holding them with one hand.  When Duo made a noise of complaint, Trowa silenced him with a long kiss before smiling, “You had your fun.  Now it’s my turn.”  Knowing what he wanted, he gave a curse of his own, “I don’t think I have lube anymore, Duo.  We could have a problem.”


“Check the pocket of my pants.”  Duo snickered when Trowa jerked his head up to stare in disbelief, “Zechs said better safe than sorry and shoved it in there earlier, all right?”


“Remind me to thank him later.”  Releasing Duo’s arms, he sent the other man a mock glare, “You stay put.  No more flipping me.”


The other man smiled innocently, his eyes nearly black, “I’m not moving.”


As fast as possible, Trowa grabbed the discarded pants.  Seeing Duo shift, he threw the pants at their owner and sat on the smaller man’s legs, preventing him from moving.  “You find it.  You’re not going anywhere.”


“I wasn’t planning on going anywhere,” insisted Duo, but the sparkle in his eyes said he had had something in mind.  “Here,” he handed the small tube over with a smirk, throwing the pants back to the floor. 


Any thoughts of moving were apparently forgotten as Trowa prepared the other man, enjoying the gasps and moans he heard.  Unable to wait any longer, he moved up Duo’s body and slid inside the other man smoothly, moaning at how unbelievably tight Duo was.  “Oh, god,” he whispered, his hands joining Duo’s, their fingers threading together and gripping tight.


Duo’s back arched as he moved faster, going deeper with every thrust.  Trowa felt his body tightening and hissed through his teeth, “It’s not going to take much longer.  Go with me.”


The only response he received was a nod, Duo’s eyes on his, wide and dark.  Reaching between their bodies he found Duo’s erection and pumped, using the moisture leaking from Duo to lubricate the motions.  Feeling the muscles around him constrict, he cried out and spilled into Duo, the smaller man following in the next instant.


Exhausted and sated, he rolled them again, holding Duo to him.  The other man lay limply on him, hands still linked with Trowa’s, head pillowed on Trowa’s chest.  “Did I hurt you, Duo?” he asked, concerned by the utter stillness of the other man.


“No.  I liked it.  Can we do it again?”


Trowa’s laugh came out weakly.  “We might have to wait a little while.  I do need some recovery time.” 


“In the morning is soon enough.  Do I need to move?  I’m comfortable.”


“You don’t need to move, you’re fine just where you are.”




The next morning, Trowa was awakened by a mouth nibbling on his ear.  Hands were moving across him, inciting him, his body reacting quickly to the stimulus.  Feeling an erection pressed against his, he moved his hips helplessly, crying out when a hand circled him, the heat tempered by the coolness of lubricant.


Unable to stand it any longer, he sat up, pulling the other man into his lap and thrusting into the hot body, pushing deep as Duo screamed in pleasure.  His brain was telling him to slow down as he pounded into the other man, but his body was at Duo’s mercy, the smaller man moving against him desperately. 


Pulling Duo closer, Trowa ravaged the smaller man with his tongue as he pushed his hips up, deaf to everything except the moans he swallowed as he continued his assault.  All too soon, Duo tensed, screaming into Trowa’s mouth as he came between their bodies.  The tall man’s orgasm was so strong he saw black spots dancing in his vision as they fell back to the bed.


Minutes later, Duo whispered, “Good morning.”


“It definitely is that,” Trowa smiled, turning on his side to look at the other man, growing worried when he saw the expressive eyes were blue.  “What is it, Duo?  Did I hurt you?”


“No, it’s not that.  I just wondered…I mean, we haven’t known each other very long or anything, but I need to know where we go from here.  Is this just sex?  Is a relationship possible between us, something more than this?”


Stunned the other man had been the first to bring it up, Trowa kissed him softly, “There already is something more, but it’s up to you what happens next.”


Watching him closely, Duo leaned up on one elbow, “Do you want me?”




“Will you still want me in a week?” 


The soft inquiry had Trowa’s lips curving.  “I’ll still want you in a year, or ten, or fifty.  What I feel isn’t going to go away.  I don’t know how to explain how I know that, but I know it’s true.”


Duo bit his lip, looking nervous.  “I have a lot of money, Trowa.  I have enough money for both of us to live without having to work ever again.”


“I have a job.  So do you.  Give the damn money away for all I care.  I earn my own,” Trowa’s smile grew a fraction.


“I come home dirty all the time, but I try not to.”


“We’ll take a shower together when you get home.”


“I can’t sell my house.  It has the shop.”


“I’ll move in with you.  Heero’s been looking for a bigger place; he can rent this one from me.”


Duo was beginning to smile, “I have a really annoying roommate.”


“Your roommate is infatuated with my best friend.  Heero can distract him for us.”


“You just moved here.  Do you really want to move again?”


“There are four of us, so it’ll go pretty quick.”  Trowa smirked, “Plus, I haven’t finished unpacking yet so that will make it easier.  Anything else?”


“When do you want to move?”


Placing his body over the smaller man’s, Trowa smiled down into glittering cobalt eyes that were quickly turning dark purple, “Later today is soon enough.”



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